Careers FAQs

We Know Joining A New Company Always Comes With Questions.

We’ve compiled a quick FAQ for you to reference as you begin looking at possible 8z opportunities. If you feel 8z matches your career goals and fits the cultural environment you’d like to work at, then it’s time to join us!

Section 1 - Culture

8z is a residential real estate company that believes in stronger Colorado communities through homeownership. We create an environment that attracts and nurtures the brightest, most skilled real estate agents and provides them everything they need to achieve unlimited growth in a real estate career.

Home has taken on a new meaning. Today, home is an office space, a classroom, and a retreat. At 8z, we don’t take the importance of home for granted. 

8z is committed to elevating the status and practice of the real estate profession, ensuring our agents have the knowledge, grit, and tools it takes to serve buyers and sellers successfully.  Our 8z System, supported by in-house technology and marketing teams, empowers our agents to focus on what they do best: putting clients first.

  • We hire only the most professional and ethical Realtors.
  • We provide our customers the best available listings data through our website, and we employ Realtors who provide context to the raw market data.
  • We manage client advocacy programs that look out for our clients’ interests and improve the level of service they receive.
  • We invest in technology and other innovations that create efficiencies in the transaction process.

Absolutely.  Everyone at 8z is expected to adhere to the 8z Core Values.  These are living, breathing values that guide us in all aspects of our business.  Far from being a burden, the Core Values make decisions much easier by clarifying alternatives.  They are the lens through which we view the world.

The 8z Core Values are:

  • Clients First:  We put our clients’ interests above our own.  Whatever the situation, asking, “What’s best for the client?” is a reliable way of arriving at the correct decision.  Note, this is sometimes at odds with what’s best for the Realtor (at least in the short run).
  • Helpfulness:  Our default setting is to offer help.  We don’t let our egos get in the way of doing our best to serve others with a sense of humility.
  • Transparency:  We strive to provide home buyers and sellers as much information as possible about the inventory, specific properties, and the transaction process.  We are open about what we do and why we do it.  We don’t keep secrets.
  • Integrity:  Very simply, we do what we say we will do.  Customers have high standards for trustworthiness, and we work hard to surpass those expectations.
  • Respect:  We are professionals and, as such, treat our colleagues and clients with respect and courtesy.  Unprofessional behavior, such as yelling at a teammate, is simply not tolerated at 8z.  Communicating with a client in a disrespectful manner is an unforgivable “cardinal sin” that will result in being asked to leave the team.

We believe:

  • Real estate is more about people and relationships than it is about houses and transactions.
  • Real estate is more about living and building community than it is about investing and making money.
  • The real estate process should be more transparent and less confusing.
  • Being a real estate professional is not a hobby for part timers and amateurs.
  • Some Realtors get paid too much for the value they provide.
  • Some Realtors are great. They add value and earn what they are paid.
  • Buyers and sellers deserve the help of great Realtors for one of life’s biggest decisions.
  • Great Realtors put their clients’ interests before their own. Clients before commissions.
  • Great Realtors know their local neighborhood markets inside and out.
  • Great Realtors earn the trust of their clients and give valuable advice and counsel.
  • Great Realtors give back to the neighborhoods they serve and are community assets.
  • Good is the enemy of great. Settling for good can keep you from becoming great. We hope other Realtors and brokerages join us in raising the bar of professionalism in real estate.

Section 2 - Brass Tacks

In 2019, 8z realtors averaged $10.7 million in sales volume and 22.08 closed sides per year.

The 8z System provides holistic tools and processes for agents’ to maximize their business. Our most successful 8zers “plug in” to our System, which consists of:

  • Unmatched Internet presence promoting our Realtors.
  • Personalized newsletters sent on our Realtors’ behalf.
  • One-on-one agent brand consultations to optimize your marketing efforts. 
  • Turnkey social media marketing provided by our expert staff.
  • Career development including business planning, coaching, and training.

Each of our offices is supported by a full time Administrative Coordinator whose role is to increase Realtor productivity and enhance service to clients.  Our Administrators focus on transaction coordination and marketing support. The Client Care team is also available for support 7 days a week.

8z offers a generous commission split with its agents. In addition, 8z also pays 50% of costs for some marketing and client appreciation programs.



  • At $15M, 80/20 is the best split. However, when an agent hits Elite Tier at $20M, they move up to 95/5 for the rest of that calendar year and receive $5,000 bonus checks at $20M, $25M, $30M, etc. for the rest of the calendar year.
  • An agent is permanently at a tier once they earn it - it does not reset. 
  • For new-to-8z agents, the brokerage honors the business from another brokerage, so agents enter 8z at the appropriate tier based on their volume. 
  • Personal deals do not require a split to be paid. 
  • We do allow personal transactions – you are on the contract – to count toward volume growth. 
  • Double-ended transactions count as double volume. 
  • All agents who meet and exceed $10M in volume in a calendar year are eligible for Club 10, an all-expenses paid trip, with their guest, to Mexico. 

Are there other fees?

  1. Submit the application, here
  2. We will contact you to schedule follow up interviews.

The 8z Veterans Program seeks to strengthen the connection between our neighborhoods and the people who have defended them. Selected veterans benefit from financial support provided by 8z as well as the full 8z System.

Yes, we allow teams of all shapes and sizes, including a primary agent and licensed agent model; two-person and larger teams.

No.  All 8z Realtors are independent, standalone agents conducting their own business, including listings.  We use the term “team” because we have a culture of unity and teamwork.  Most brokerages would refer to one of our teams simply as an “office.”

We believe our agents can be successful no matter where they work. As such, we have regional offices from Colorado Springs, throughout Denver, Boulder and the Front Range and up to Northern Colorado. 8z agents are welcome to work from any office.

No.  We are as rigorous as possible in how we calculate and communicate our sales results.  Our production figures are based on all licensees who completed the previous full calendar year with 8z.  We can’t think of a more fair way to do it – if you can, let us know!

We operate in several different MLSs (including Metrolist, IRES, PPAR, Vail, and Summit), which makes it complicated to piece together our total production.

Burning out is not consistent with sustainable success.  A key concept at 8z is what we call the “Real Estate Good Life,” which is:

  • Clients who adore you
  • A healthy gross income
  • A big net income
  • Time for a life outside real estate

The 8z System allows Realtors to achieve all four of those goals, including supporting Realtors so they have time for a life outside real estate.  Some 8z Realtors who have achieved the $10 million level are more focused on increasing their leisure time than on growing their business.  We think that’s great.

We celebrate the Real Estate Good Life as a company by taking 8zers and significant others on a fully paid trip to Mexico!

The main reason is that we are a lot more structured than other brokerages.  All 8z Realtors fully “plug in” to the 8z System and are expected to engage in all of our marketing programs.  If you want to be a lone cowboy riding the range of real estate doing it all your own way, we are not a good fit.

Work With Us

Let 8z handle all of your home buying and selling needs. Our agents provide clarity, control and confidence throughout the real estate process and are with you every step of the way.